The Challenge of Producing Raspberries with Export Potential
Berry exports are still meager and their crops barely reach 100 hectares throughout the country. However, there is a great opportunity for growth in the US market.
It is just the first steps. To date, Peruvian raspberries have only been exported in small samples to different countries, for amounts not exceeding US$5,000. However, this situation could change if the product enters the United...

Use Of Manure
One of the main objectives of an adequate use of manure is to provide nutrients to plants and increase the amount of organic matter in the soil. But to achieve this, the rancher or farmer must decide what to do to properly manage manure and other organic waste, so that they have a profitable agricultural production with minimal nutrient losses. This action can save them expenses used for the...

Biodegradable Material For Encapsulation Of Agricultural Fertilizers
It is a strategy tested at the Brazilian Federal University of São Carlos to allow a controlled and gradual release with the consequent reduction in the amount used and waste.
One of today’s serious environmental problems is the residue of fertilizers, pesticides and growth regulators that agriculture leaves in the soil, mainly in large production units. Therefore, in the specific case...

Nutrient Solubilizing Microorganisms
The microorganisms of the rhizosphere have maintained a close relationship with plants since the latter began to colonize the earth and have contributed to the maintenance, functioning and stability of ecosystems through their influence on the diversity of species in plant communities. This relationship has favored a mechanism of symbiotic association for the acquisition of nutrients and water...