Kyminasi Plant Booster, Biophysics Applied to Agriculture
Any adverse effects including negative leaf water balance, turgor loss, chlorophyll degradation, and down-regulation of photosynthesis through affecting stomatal functioning and restricting the supply of carbon dioxide (Zhou et al. 2017). Cell enlargement, leaf expansion, root and shoot development, dry...

Use of Sound Wave Technology on Water Tomato Scarcity
Use of Sound Wave Technology on Water Tomato Scarcity
Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum), with annual global production of around 182.3 million tons, is the second top worldwide produced vegetable, also is among the most popular vegetable produced in the United States of America (USA) where...

Sound Waves Effects on Tomato Fruit Quality
Sound Waves Effects on Tomato Fruit Quality Tomatoes are one of the most produced and consumed fruit worldwide, it is considered an important source of phenolic and flavonoid antioxidant compounds, vitamin C, vitamin E, lycopene, carotene, and lutein contents critical for human health due to their effects on cancer and aging. The United States produces

Alternatives for Fighting Citrus Greening Disease
Plants respond to sounds of different frequencies Florida State is the third-largest orange producer globally, behind Brazil and China, and the first orange-producing in the United States. The 2020 – 2021 forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board this month calculates over 55.5 million boxes, down from the February forecast by 500 thousand boxes;

Effects of frequencies on plants
Plants respond to sounds of different frequencies Sound is acoustic energy in an oscillatory pressure wave transmitted through gases, liquids, and solids. Like other physical environmental factors such as moisture, light, wind, and temperature, it can have a physiological effect on plant growth and other metabolic processes, or at a molecular level-triggered within a plant
How to Face the Challenges in Sweet Pepper Production
Effect of Electromagnetic Fields on Growth and Yield: A Review Despite the turbulent economic issues agriculture has gone through these past years, the cultivation of bell peppers remain strengthened in the regions with the highest production such as Mexico and the United States; however, as a collateral effect of the pandemic, market quotas face drastic
Florida’s Winter Strawberries
The most important supplier of winter strawberries in the United States Florida is the most important supplier of winter strawberries in the United States and the second-largest after California. The value of Florida strawberries production is approximately $400 Million and the total economic contribution of the industry is estimated at more than One Billion. Even
Effect of Electromagnetic Fields on Growth and Yield: A Review
Effect of Electromagnetic Fields on Growth and Yield: A Review All living things that grow on the earth are affected by natural Magnetic Fields; it is helpful to think of radiation in terms of particles or waves just like the ones we see in the water, such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet

British Farmers Look to Gene Editing
According to recent reporting from The Guardian, while countries such as the United States, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, and Japan have yet to allow gene editing in crops and farm animals, the UK government is looking in another direction. It is distributed almost everywhere. The geography of animal husbandry is primarily determined by the place ment

Can COVID-19 Be Prevented by Healthy Eating?
It is no secret that a strong and healthy immune system, created in large part by nutrition and exercise, can be an incredibly powerful defense tool when it comes to avoiding illness in general. And while there are no foods known at this time that prevent or can “cure” coronavirus, according to recent studies conducted