Use of Sound Wave Technology on Water Tomato Scarcity
Use of Sound Wave Technology on Water Tomato Scarcity
Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum), with annual global production of around 182.3 million tons, is the second top worldwide produced vegetable, also is among the most popular vegetable produced in the United States of America (USA) where the topmost producers are Indiana, Florida, and California, besides the tomatoes being...

Kyminasi Plant Booster, Biophysics Applied to Agriculture
Any adverse effects including negative leaf water balance, turgor loss, chlorophyll degradation, and down-regulation of photosynthesis through affecting stomatal functioning and restricting the supply of carbon dioxide (Zhou et al. 2017). Cell enlargement, leaf expansion, root and shoot development, dry matter partitioning, and consequently yield are also negatively...

Biophysics of the Plant Kingdom
Biophysics is a science in which biology and physics converge, thus explaining biological processes complicated with physical phenomenon. In 1920, it questioned because biological systems do not follow the second law of thermodynamics but in a world where entropy never decreases, two cells could form an organism fully organized. Furthermore, Schrödinger wrote his book...

The Importance of Technology in Sustainable Agriculture
Nowadays, agriculture faces the great challenge of increasing productivity due to the rising demand of food worldwide. The efficiency in hydric and natural resources usage, climate change adaptation, respecting of the environment where the crops will take place, and the farmer’s cooperation within the decision-making process are a set of factors that, if executed correctly,...

Pre-harvesting factors that could affect fruit quality.
Keeping the crops in perfect condition and ensuring that they guarantee an optimal development of agricultural production is necessary to enjoy a good harvest and that it remains in good condition for a longer period of time. In this article, we will review the importance of pre-harvest of different crops to later enjoy an optimal post-harvest.
Why is pre-harvest important...

In Search of Healthy Technologies in Agriculture
Agriculture is currently experiencing many changes. The significant increase in the demand for healthy, nutritious food, and increasing population, has put our farmers on alert to meet this need.
While agricultural production has increased over the years, it has not always been in a “clean” way. “Conventional” agriculture sometimes abuses the use of pesticides,...