Use Of Manure
One of the main objectives of an adequate use of manure is to provide nutrients to plants and increase the amount of organic matter in the soil. But to achieve this, the rancher or farmer must decide what to do to properly manage manure and other organic waste, so that they have a profitable agricultural production with minimal nutrient losses. This action can save them...

The Challenge of Producing Raspberries with Export Potential
Berry exports are still meager and their crops barely reach 100 hectares throughout the country. However, there is a great opportunity for growth in the US market.
It is just the first steps. To date, Peruvian raspberries have only been exported in small samples to different countries, for amounts not exceeding US$5,000. However, this situation could change if the product...

7 Organic Nitrogen Sources – Alternatives to Urea
The fertilizer crisis is a fact, especially nitrogenous fertilizers, particularly Urea, which is one of the most widely used chemical fertilizers worldwide. This product provides 46% Nitrogen, which is why it is widely used for most crops. However, with its imminent shortage and high prices, farmers are forced to look for alternatives, and the current trend is to look for...

Strawberry Producers Increase Bet on Technical Irrigation
With their sights set on the next fruit campaign, companies are installing mulch and irrigation tape, which means a greater installed area regarding past years and better production yields.
As the Peruvian strawberry production grows, concerns about its environmental impact increases. Something that is evident given this crop’s dynamism, especially in Lima’s small north...

Climate Change Will Increase the Presence of Aflatoxins in Corn
A study carried out in the United States projects risky levels of this type of toxin for the period between 2031 and 2040 (Niklas, 2022).
Changes in the climate will abandon the global food production market: This is reflected in a recent investigation carried out by the Michigan State University (MSU). The document will warn about the increase in the levels of aflatoxins...

The Most Serious Disease For Citrus And How To Control It.
The HLB (Huanglongbing) or citrus greening is a disease spread by the Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri). It was first described in Asia in the early 1900s (USDA, 2021). Before it was identified as one disease, it became known by various names: yellow shoot (huanglungbin) in China; likubin (decline) Taiwan; dieback in India; leaf mottle in the Philippines; vein phloem...