Results in Alfalfa, Ryegrass, and Blue Clover: 100% Increased Production
Date: July 2021
Place: Ecuador
Details: Kyminasi Plant Booster technology was installed in a forage mixed field, which contained alfalfa, ryegrass, and blue clover at the Polytechnic University of Chimborazo.
After 28 days (four waterings) you can notice greater vigor in the plants, a more intense and healthy green color, reaching an average length of 55–60 cm when the control field is in the average 25–30 cm. The control field will be cut at 55 days and the treatment field, due to the size and vigor it shows, will be cut at 38–40 days, waiting in the control of 6-8 t / ha and in the treatment of 12-14 t / ha, which is a production increase of 100% on average.
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