Improved Fruit Quality & Increased Plant Growth of Oil Palm
Date: September 2021
Place: Norte de Santander, Colombia
Details: The Kyminasi Plant Booster (KPB) technology was installed on an oil palm nursery called Millennium Variety in Colombia with the support of Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA).
Weekly measurements of oil palm height, stem thickness, and leaf blade area of KPB plants were made and compared to a control field with the same cultivar. An engineer and agronomist for SENA named José Efrén Fajardo indicated that the field with the KPB technology delivered a higher-quality oil palm crop than the control crop. The plants that were treated with KPB were an average of 8.9 centimeters (cm) taller overall and 2.5 cm thicker in the stem diameter than the control crop. These measurements represent results that are well above what SENA typically observes in trials without KPB use.
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