2024 India Just Agriculture Frank’s presentation
The Crop Booster by Kyminasi Plants consists of easy-to-install, ready-to-go, advanced custom micro transmitters which get attached to an irrigation system and deliver 3,000+ quantum waves which enhance the natural abilities of plants. Kyminasi Plant Booster is activated when water first flows past it. KPB is custom-sized for each farm and designed to work with all crops planted on soil. No...

Agricultural Technology for Farmers in India
Harvest HarmonicsTM New Biophysics Agricultural Technology For Farmers In India The Agricultural Biophysics technology, 20 years in development, that Harvest Harmonics has now released, by empirical results, is showing a significant increase in photosynthesis which is causing Faster Plant growth with Increased Yields on nearly 200 farms worldwide. Clearwter, United States – December 2,,...