“Times They Are A-Changing.”

“Times They Are A-Changing.”
Come gather ‘round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You’ll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth savin’
You better start swimmin’
Or you’ll sink like a stone
For the times they are-a changing.’
Bob Dylan Was Right
Bob Dylan was right; he saw the old sweet conservative culture of the fifties disintegrating and it did change in ways that do not please many of us old hands. But he also advised us that we must also change.
That was not comfortable to the comfortable and unadventurous hardcore comforts of the forties and fifties; they wanted to keep things just the way that they were, but they were swimming against the tide. The gulf washed over them, and we have what we have now, whatever that is.
There are many good changes. Now we have cell phones and in the fifties we country people had no phones at all. We have electric cars when many had no car at all. Instead of Grandma arising before dawn to milk old Bossy and returning to cook breakfast on a wood stove, she got an electric stove and bought milk at the store. Those were good changes. Those were in my early days as a little boy living in the way back country in N.W. Louisiana. I have seen the before and after of today. Yes, Mr. Dylan, times and things they are a-changing and have changed and still are a-changin’.
The Land
My stable world evaporated overnight. Where there were cotton fields everywhere, then there are soybeans fields (unless the owners were being paid a subsidy for not growing crops, and in this case, no crops at all). And the weather and climate went maverick.
Mother nature is not a good business partner, as there are abnormally dry conditions in 70% of the US, affecting 15 food producing states across the nation. Through careful management and hard work, farmers across these areas must farm with persistent, severe drought as they produce more than 80% of fruits, nuts and vegetables, more than 80% of wheat, more than 50% of dairy, and more than 70% of beef for our nation.
The impact of the drought places added strains on the supply chain and the overall economy as American jobs and food security depend on this region.
Grit: American Farmers and Ranchers have True Grit
There is no doubt that folks are hurting, but these hardy Americans are also committed to hanging on as long as they can.
Our farmers have grit, and they will survive somehow. Like farmers across the country, they put their heart and soul into feeding their families, their communities, the nation and the world.
One thing that our farmers have in common is their love of God and family. Things they will never neglect.
The family farm has always had a sense of peace, calm and family security, totally different than an upstairs city apartment or urban home clustered with others just like it on lookalike carbon copy streets; nothing compares to the warmth of hearth and home of the family farmhouse, and our farmers are never going to lose that.
I can imagine the farmer, standing tall with his hands on his hips glaring out over his fields, daring the conditions to stop him from producing needed food for you and me, and let this singular year of bad luck beat him down. He had faith in providence that something would come along…. And it has.
And It Did Come Along Just in Time!
“Just when everything looked so dark” Like the miracle they prayed for in all their positive prayers, the answer to the water problem and the escalating costs of fertilizer and other soaring costs was laid in their laps. What is this miracle?
The Kyminasi Plant, “Crop Booster”.
And what is this?
All you have to do is attach a piece of Kyminasi technology fitted pipe to your irrigation system, and voila, it will be activated by the water flow.
In short order the fields are bursting with fine, healthy vegetation with strong vigorous root system, rich dark green leafy branches heavy with fruit or vegetables. No, I am not dreaming. It is happening in 31 countries with farmers bursting with pride just looking at their fields, and proudly carrying these premier products to market.
OK, Ok… How Does One Length of Pipe Do This?
I will give you a nutshell of the process. It is the result of more than two decades of research and is a highly complicated science, but for sake of explanation, I’ll keep it simple here).
First start with the scientifically proven phenomenon that every living thing has a vibration or frequency. Your body, your internal organs, you tomato plants in your garden and your plants in your field all have a vibrating molecular frequency.
Our inventor proved to have the ability to determine the exact frequency of the plants in your crop and create an identical frequency program which the pipe has been programmed with, without the need of an external power source.
As water passes through the pipe, it activates that programmed frequency and passes it on into the water flowing into the field, and thus reaching the soil and plants.
Now the plant is “harmonizing” with the tune of the water, and the plants all are synchronized with the water, soil and nutrients to provide the ideal growing conditions for your particular crop, yet simultaneously requiring less water, fertilizer and at times, no pesticides whatsoever (stronger plants with higher Brix and natural defenses are not bothered by pests as much).
If you listen close enough, you may even hear your entire crop singing happily while giving you a beautiful crop… or maybe that is just the sound of a more peaceful life that you will be experiencing as a result of a less stressed-out field.
What more can you ask for?
The Real Reward is Your Family Time
What would it be like to be able to spend time with your family, go on vacation for a change, attend your son or daughter’s ball game or performance, stay in and watch a favorite program together and get to know them. After all, isn’t that what it is all about? Loving your wife and kids and being with them as they grow up. They will soon be gone, much sooner than you know. Now is time to be with them. This magic Kyminasi Plant, Crop Booster technology you will have a better chance to enjoy these precious moments, better quality family time you really start enjoying what you have built.
Now Is Time To Buy
We have a money-back guarantee to all growers growing in soil, so you truly have nothing to lose to give us a try! Simply select a small section of your farm and see how it compares to the rest. What if it really did work?
A discount of 20% plus financing! If your crop was affected by Hurricane Ian, Harvest Harmonics will give you a discount of 20% plus favorable financing of the balance.
Sincerely yours,
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