In our last blog, we discussed that Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) standards are, “voluntary audits that verify that fruits and vegetables are produced, packed, handled, and stored to minimize risks of microbial food safety hazards” (U.S.D.A Agricultural Marketing Service, 2022). In this blog, we will continue to discuss the advantages of adopting Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). Some examples of the benefits of GAP standards include improving the sanitary conditions of the produce and preventing or minimizing the rejection of the produce in the market due to spoilage, transport damage, toxic residues, or other unsuitable characteristics in food taste or appearance for the consumer. GAP standards minimize the sources of contamination of agricultural products and implement hygiene standards during the production and harvesting of the crop. GAP standards open up possibilities for farmers to export to new countries and high-demand markets with potentially better opportunities and prices. GAP certification improves the value of the produce with a food safety certification.
Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) standards promote worker well-being and safety. This is achieved through training, care for labor and health aspects (prevention of accidents, gastrointestinal illnesses, hygiene), and good conditions in the workplace. GAP standards promote healthy food and helps promote that the food produced is suitable for consumption and free of contaminants such as agrichemical residues, heavy metals, pathogens, etc. GAP standards promote community health empowerment and sustainability. With GAP standards, producers have more bargaining power and added value to their products. In the future, GAP certifications may become a requirement for farmers and producers to access certain markets.
There is clear importance of GAP standards in agriculture, world trade, in caring for the environment, and the well-being of workers. Harvest Harmonics Inc. shares these values and would like to introduce the Kyminasi Plant Booster (KPB) technology that can help farmers achieve increased yields, better crop quality, greater vigor, increased disease resistance, and more nutrient-dense food while improving the environment. KPB is an easy-to-install, ready-to-go, set of advanced
custom micro transmitters that utilize greater than 3,000 low-frequency radio waves that are attached to an irrigation system. Kyminasi Plant Booster is activated when water first flows past it. KPB is custom-sized for each farm and designed to work with all crops planted in soil. No power system or maintenance is required. This KPB irrigation device uses an advanced signaling system to boost photosynthesis and crop yields in plants. KPB works on all sizes of farms and we now even offer a home garden version.
Over 20 years of biophysics research has led to this breakthrough in improving plant health and increasing crop yields. Biophysics is the science of using the laws of physics to enhance biological function. Our researchers have studied plants’ natural processes such as root growth, nutrient and water absorption, photosynthesis, and more. The result is the most advanced crop booster technology in agriculture! Our device attaches to a farmer’s irrigation system and uses frequencies in water to amplify plants’ natural processes. Even animals fed with forage or fodder that has been treated with KPB have increased nutrient density and produce more yields, better quality, and more nutrient-dense milk, meat, and eggs.
Harvest Harmonics’ goal is to help farmers around the world grow healthier and better quality crops at lower costs. We help farmers achieve higher yields without harming the environment by rejuvenating the earth’s ecology and organic life through advanced new technology.
(U.S.D.A Agricultural Marketing Service, 2022)
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