Biophysics of the Plant Kingdom

Biophysics is a science in which biology and physics converge, thus explaining biological processes complicated with physical phenomenon. In 1920, it questioned because biological systems do not follow the second law of thermodynamics but in a world where entropy never decreases, two cells could form an organism fully organized. Furthermore, Schrödinger wrote his book called What is Life, which form many, was the beginning of
Biophysics is present in each of the existing living beings, one of the most complex kingdoms is the plant, which has proven to have an infinite variety of permutations, and so studying it completely is almost impossible. Biophysics in plants is consider
In short, a plant formed of a root, a stem and leaves. The root absorbs nutrients from the soil through a permeable membrane, the stem is responsible for transport by microscopic tubes and the leaves are responsible for photosynthesis through a complex system of chromophores for the exchange of gases. The simple biophysical model of a plant is expressed as a capillary tube, with one end submerged in a solution delimited by a selective membrane and the opposite end in free contact with the atmosphere.
Due to osmosis, when there is a difference in gradient the water and nutrients flow from the root to the highest point of the plant where there will always be the lowest concentration of solutes. Due to the gradient, the plant will have moments of imbalance so through physiological mechanisms of the plant; roots adapt to rebalance the natural state of the plant.
At microscopic scales, the vibrations emitted by electrons make it possible to recognize any substance. These vibrations are fingerprints and are thus a highly reliable factor in scientific and industrial matters. Kyminasi Plant Booster recognizes each frequency emitted by the plants and intervenes resonance reaching the optimal frequency thus giving biological balance.
Biological balance allows plants to develop in a healthy way, without stress and with better results in quality and quantity, all this in an organic and sustainable way.
By Maria Belén Amaguaña
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