Agriculture is currently experiencing many changes. The significant increase in the demand for healthy, nutritious food, and increasing population, has put our farmers on alert to meet this need.
While agricultural production has increased over the years, it has not always been in a “clean” way. “Conventional” agriculture sometimes abuses the use of pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals. An alternative is organic agriculture, which favors a more natural production and supplies part of the food demand. This goes hand in hand with the market’s demands of obtaining better fruits and vegetables, which has led to the development of plant varieties that are more resistant to insects, diseases or other pests, as well as a lot of investment in new technologies.
In this sense, technology in agriculture is here to stay, since, with its help, we will not only be able to obtain greater precision in the growth of crops, but also that they are healthy and friendly to the environment.
In this way, Kyminasi Plant Booster was born: a new technology that has come to revolutionize the agricultural world. It is biophysics, a science that takes the behavior of the plant to its natural state, composed of more than 3000 specific frequencies that the plant needs for optimal functioning.
The alluring thing about this technology is that it works from the inside out, strengthening the root mass of plants, achieving better absorption of nutrients and improving photosynthesis. Fruits and vegetables taste better and have more nutrients.
Kyminasi Plant Booster’s purpose is to help farmers meet the existing demand for agricultural products through sustainable agriculture: respecting the environment where the plant develops its entire vegetative life and allowing it to combat adversities that may arise naturally.
Kyminasi Plant Booster is already present in over 15 countries throughout the world and growing since its launch in November 2019. Harvest Harmonics is the exclusive worldwide distributor of this technology.
By Arantza Castro
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