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The Science Behind Harvest Harmonics
As innovative as the technology is—and it’s been called an entirely “new body of knowledge“1—the basic premise is simple. Plants have survived on this planet for approximately 470 million years, accommodating to every environmental change. In fact, the earliest known species, mosses and liverworts, are still around. This technology harnesses and supports plants’ natural “intelligence” and enables them to do what they’ve always known how to do.
This featured video explains how the Kimynasi Plants Crop BoosterTM enhances photosynthesis, the basis for all plant survival, and the process by which it helps create stronger, healthier, pest-resistant plants; nutrient-rich soil; and a cleaner environment for us all.
Crop Booster Benefits
43 documented benefits of the Crop Booster, powered by Kimynasi Plants Crop BoosterTM
· Reduction in excess salinity and electrical conductivity in soil
· Reduced soil compaction in heavy soils
· Increased Cation Ion Exchange capacity in soil
· Increased microbial activity in soil
· Improved water retention in soil
· Improved soil structure

Growing Success Around the Globe
Where Harvest Harmonics technology is transforming agriculture
Results by CropIncrease yields, improve quality, and enhance resilience—all naturally and chemical-free. Kyminasi Crop Booster! Increase yields, improve quality, and enhance resilience—all naturally and chemical-free. Kyminasi Crop Booster! Increase yields, improve quality, and enhance resilience—all naturally and chemical-free. Kyminasi Crop Booster! Increase yields, improve quality, and enhance resilience—all naturally and chemical-free. Kyminasi Crop Booster! Increase yields, improve quality, and enhance resilience—all naturally and chemical-free. Kyminasi Crop Booster!