The Importance of Technology in Sustainable Agriculture

Nowadays, agriculture faces the great challenge of increasing productivity due to the rising demand of food worldwide. The efficiency in hydric and natural resources usage, climate change adaptation, respecting of the environment where the crops will take place, and the farmer’s cooperation within the decision-making process are a set of factors that, if executed correctly, will allow a sustainable agriculture overtime.
A crucial element is working with the production systems on their different stages and, especially, where raw material is found: the field. It is here where an emphasis on improving production should be.
Productivity’s dropage can be related to various aspects, like plants’ poor management in trimming or crop varieties that couldn’t adapt to the ground. Irrigation is a key factor too: more watering does not mean better crops. Likewise, extreme fertilization is deteriorating the yield’s soil and often destroys all life surrounding the plant’s environment, stalling its growth and development, as well as plagues, which can affect and usually end with farming production. A farmer can work with and control all of these elements through sustainable agriculture and adding technology to the field.
It doesn’t just go through a clearly “ground” or field subject, this agriculture must manage to protect the rural life of those who work in it and the social welfare. Having a work environment in the farming industry with the field worker will allow access to excellent results. This social responsibility is like a backpack that our line of work has been enhancing and giving space to in traditional agriculture.
In order to address and improve these matters, it must be managed hand by hand with technology. There is no agriculture that lasts in time without superior technology in their course of action, it has to be an ally with the purpose of increasing our planet’s crops.
With this idea in mind, Kyminasi Plant Booster technology takes place and Harvest Harmonics company is in charge of distributing it: to reach a sustainable agriculture, allowing the farmer to have vigorous and profitable crops in short and medium terms while taking care of the environment in which they develop.
By Arantza Castro
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