As Harvest Harmonics is a new technology that is completely revolutionizing the way we do agriculture, many scientists have become interested in the completely new understanding of exactly how plants work and how we can make them perform their functions at their highest level all the time with this organic and sustainable solution.
Harvest Harmonics is on a mission to revitalize and revolutionize the agriculture industry with new technology that increases nutrient absorption, yield, and reduces the use of chemicals and pesticides in all farming operations. The result is greater profit for the hard work of our farmers and better quality of fruits and vegetables so that everyone can eat.
The basis of this technology starts from the principle of biophysics, we apply physics directly to the biology of plants. All living things on this planet have a kind of biology and plants are no different. In fact, plants operate according to a specific pattern of signals that allow them to produce all the fruits and vegetables we enjoy eating. We studied about thousands of varieties of plants and discovered that in all types of plants: grass, grass, fruit trees, no matter what it is, all those that perform the process of photosynthesis operate with a set of ordered signals that allows them to produce fruits and vegetables. And we noticed that stressed plants of the same variety have an altered signal pattern and, as a result, are not able to produce the energy they need to grow, be healthy, and generate fruits and vegetables. And we can mention that using biophysical equipment there is a positive change in this pattern of signals.
So what we do is reinforce the metabolism of the plant using a set of frequencies that allows the plant to grow resistant, healthy and fast, operating according to its optimal potential. This technology has never been seen, they are not magnets or magnets, it is a completely new technology. What we do is program our microtransmitters with these 3000 healthy photosynthesis signals and install it in the irrigation system, so that every moment the farmer waters his plants is essentially reinforcing the ideal metabolism of that plant and that plant will be able to produce more energy for longer periods of time, which previously could not have been possible. In fact, it has been studied that most plants cannot absorb and use all the amount of fertilizer, for example, that we give to plants, on average they use 20 to 30% in a good field. Our technology helps to increase to a probable value of 40-50% allowing them to use the nutrition we give you. In fact, in many cases, we found that we were able to completely eliminate the use of fertilizers because the plants absorb what they need and produce good crops without needing to add an extra amount of fertilizer. And improving microbial activity in the soil is also helping to produce the nitrogen that plants need to survive and grow healthy.
That is why today, in this blog, we want to share one of our results with universities that participate in our program of 1000 scientific trials around the world with Kyminasi Plant Crop Booster technology. If you are interested in doing a scientific essay at a University with our technology, please contact us.
Thesis in Corn: Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
Date: March 2022.
Place: Ocaña, Colombia.
Details: Kyminasi Plant Booster was installed at Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Colombia.
Some Results: The pH of the soil was stabilized from slightly acidic to neutral and the EC of the soil solution was reduced by 50% in the treatment field, while in the control field the acidity of the soil increased and the EC remained the same.
- The average height in the treatment field was 2.80m and in the control field 1m.
- The stem thickness in the control field was 1.78cm and in the treatment it was 2.76cm.
- In average width of the blade was 9.08cm in the treatment and in the control it was 6.89cm
- The average number of leaves in the treatment was 11.64 and in the control was 9.16
- The Green Forage Yield (RFV) in the treatment was 125 while the RFV in the control was 115.
- The linear yield of maize in the treatment was 7.59kg/m and in the control it was 1.58kg/m.
- The raw fodder obtained in the treatment field was 79,664kg and in the control field it was 11,672kg.
- Water consumption in the treatment field was 94,770L and in the control it was 189,540L.
- Brix degrees in the treatment were 11.5% and in the control 8.5%.
- Titratable acidity (probability of rot) is lower in treatment with 2.5% and the control has on average 3.75%.
- The average maturity index in the treatment is 4.6 (post-harvest durability) and the control is 2.3.
- The beneficial microbiota in the treatment field is 7.92% higher than in the control with 4.47%.
- Final average of cobs per plant was 2 in the treatment and 1 in the control.
Created By: Mariangel Rodriguez
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