Nitrogen is the main limiting nutrient after carbon, hydrogen and oxygen for photosynthetic process, phyto-hormonal, proteomic changes and growth-development of plants to complete its lifecycle. Excessive and inefficient use of N fertilizer results in enhanced crop production costs and atmospheric pollution. Atmospheric nitrogen (71%) in the molecular form is not available for plants. For the world’s sustainable food production and atmospheric benefits, there is an urgent need to upgrade nitrogen use efficiency in agricultural farming system. Nitrogen use efficiency is the product of nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency, it varies from 30.2 to 53.2%. Nitrogen losses are too high due to excess amount, low plant population, poor application methods etc., which can go up to 70% of total available nitrogen (Anas et al., 2020).
Frink et al. (1999) stated that nitrogen (N) plays an important role in crop plants. It is involved in various critical processes such as growth, leaf area-expansion and biomass-yield production. Various plant molecules such as amino acids, chlorophyll, nucleic acids, ATP and phyto-hormones, that contains nitrogen as a structural part, are necessary to complete the biological processes, involving carbon and nitrogen metabolisms, photosynthesis and protein production.
Anas et al. (2020) mentioned that insufficient amount of N available to plants can hinder the growth and development. Nitrogen can also improve root growth, increase the volume, area, diameter, total and main root length, dry mass and subsequently increase nutrient uptake and enhance nutrient balance and dry mass production.
Worldwide high nitrogen fertilizer application results in economic loss and ecological hazardous due to extra consumption of resources, water eutrophication, and high rate of greenhouse gas emissions along with potential leaching. The inefficient N utilization with poor transformation of provided N results in unintentional fertilizer loss in soil, atmosphere and promoting contamination of groundwater, distort connecting biological communities and cause dangerous atmospheric deviation, through the emission of the poisonous ozone depleting substance nitrous oxide (Galloway et al., 2008), eutrophication, air pollution, N leaching, water pollution, soil acidification and soil degradation which is not suitable for environment friendly crop production and human life (Anas et al. 2020)
The whole fertilizer issues back in February when started to becoming a really issues for farmers even before the main season and all the atmosphere, that was even before Rusia and Ukraine conflict started around that time. The conflict doesn’t go away, even if the conflict ended yesterday, the reply effects of that conflict and the related with it will continue against Russia and everything related with this reply effect of fertilizer usage (Kurtz, 2022).
It is interesting to see how people react to this type of problem. One problem you can look like a claimed issue, let’s ask us, what does farming or agriculture play in global warming, environmental problems, etc., and how we will deal with these kinds of things. (Kurtz, 2022)
We think that there is a lot of pressure by certain groups to really move this really forward fast now, making fast reaction governments around the world in turns of environmental policies. One of these policies measurements is the fact that farmers have to reduce their nitrogen usage with numbers as 50%, this dramatically cut the food production which is translated as people being hungry (Kurtz, 2022).
When you force somebody to do something and you don’t have an available solution, a replacement to help them, this means a lot of farmers just can’t be able to survive doing things in a different way. So, one excellent solution is the Kyminasi Plants Crop Booster technology: this technology was developed for environmental prospective; actually, it was developed for two reasons: 1) To make human food healthier, it means reduce the among of chemicals, that includes nitrogen to growing food so people could be healthier, have a more nutritious body and, 2) reduce environmental impact, reduce nitrogen emissions, chemical emissions, poisoned soils and poisoned environment (Kurtz, 2022).
Farmers need help with these new policies and measurements and Kyminasi Plants Crop Booster is one of the best to help them. If you are a farmer, answer this question for you or let us know: would you like to reduce input cost, reduce fertilizer use and produce better quality crops and comply with the government’s regulations?
We are Harvest Harmonics and we want you to be part of the future of agriculture today. We are revolutionizing the agriculture industry worldwide.
Anas, M., Liao, F., Verma, K.K. et al. (2020). Fate of nitrogen in agriculture and environment: agronomic, eco-physiological and molecular approaches to improve nitrogen use efficiency. Biol Res 53, 47.
Frink CR, Waggoner PE, Ausubel JH (1999). Nitrogen fertilizer: retrospect and prospect. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 1999;96:1175–80.
Galloway JN, Townsend AR, Erisman JW, Bekunda M, Cai Z, Freney JR, Martinelli LA, Seitzinger SP, Sutton MA (2008). Transformation of the nitrogen cycle: recent trends, questions, and potential solutions. Science. 2008;320:889–92
Kurtz, J (2022). What if you had to cut your nitrogen by 50%? [Webinar]. Harvest Harmonics Corp.
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