Produce more on same amount of land. You don’t need to new expensive acreage with Kyminasi.

The Farmer’s Up and Down Life
City folks have no idea of the life of the farmer. It is a roller coaster and there are highs like no other highs when the weather is perfect, and the crops are so deliciously green and the fruits or vegetables are so thick and fat the plant seems to almost break under their load. (And the market is up, and demand is high!)
But when there is too much rain, or too little, a drought, or a freeze or hurricane or flood, or a killing disease, or plague of locusts. (Well, maybe not biblical locusts but pests.) Life for the farmer seems to be balanced on a razor blade. But the farmer and his family continue the game because that is what they know and what they love and are willing endure the vacillations of fortune for they usually persist through. They also know they are part of an army that supplies sustenance to the planet, so it is their duty to honor this commitment.
Life For Everyone is a Gamble and Particularly for the Farmer
I was born and raised in the middle of the depression, in a tiny country village in Northwest Louisiana near the Texas border. My daddy had a general merchandise store that sold everything from groceries to work clothes, from hay to threaded pipe and kerosine for lanterns that were used by many at the time to light the night. I worked there after school and Saturdays. We were closed on Sunday and that is when daddy and I would go fishing after church.
The only living available was to work at the sawmill or farm, so I know about the ups and downs of farmers in the forties and fifties, the time I can really remember, and how the one street through our little town was filled with wagons loaded with cotton on the way to the gin and back to the store because it was rare payday. Granddaddy’s dentist office was in the back corner where he pulled teeth and made dentures. He would trade his work for a watermelon or mess of peas. That is all the farmers could afford then. Their children were my classmates, and it was always tough, but that was all they knew.
The point is their life then was no walk in the park and they milked every ounce from their little bit of land, usually the land around their house which was way back in the country.
Nowadays it is the same but on a larger scale. A bad crop can now, as then, render the farmer’s family destitute, so it is imperative that the farmer change operational systems if any new system would be beneficial. But the old ways are hard to change. However, any change that can improve odds is worthy of a look.
And there is such a beneficial change right as close as his phone, and it is the Kyminasi Crop Booster.
More for Less
Now, the farmer doesn’t have to invest in expensive land to get more product. How about a way that will get more product from existing land by just adding to the irrigation system?
How Does It Work?
I am just a writer, retired attorney, and artist and am certainly not a geek but I will try my best to explain this amazing technology.
All things are composed of atoms which have electrons moving constantly within. These electrons hold all matter together and their motions create vibrations. They harmonize or combine to create a composite frequency which is known as its natural frequency. This phenomenon is common it every material thing, as well as living organisms.
Using the example of the human body, these frequencies may become imbalanced and that causes defects which we call illness and using this technology it has been used to “harmonize” or align these frequencies in the body to heal. It was discovered that this applies to plants as well.
This technology has been used to align and optimize the frequency of the plant to give it the top health it can have to produce at the optimum product.
After years of research, they finally produced a simple way to make this occur. It harmonizes the plant’s normal and ideal vibratory frequencies, thereby improving its health. And it does even more than just restore health. The plant emerges like a lifter walks out of the gym with bulging muscles and glowing health. Kyminasi technology acts on plants the same way a tuning fork is used to tune a musical instrument.
Picture this: Normal water enters the pipe. The Kyminasi Crop Booster pipe apparatus is attached and the water flows through the pipe. It’s arrangement of molecules is changed to the ideal plant frequency which flows on with the water now becoming charged with the ideal frequency for plants to maximize and optimize their potential. The plant receives the new vitality boosted water flowing through its tissues. The plant’s frequency is immediately modified to its ideal state of production. The plant wakes up and sings, its roots become stronger, its stalk more powerful and the leaves bright and the fruit, vegetables, cane, hay, or whatever product is enhanced to sometimes double its normal production. See the videos and photos of the real results in the fields and gardens of customers who are happy they bought this fabulous product.
This In A Nutshell
The key step in developing the Kiminasi Crop Booster technology was finding a way to identify the natural frequencies associated with ideal plant function. He used this material to record the vibrational frequencies of various organs in the human body. It measures the frequencies emitted by the vibrational bonds between atoms. When the technology was adapted to apply to plants, a device was developed to create this phenomena of altering the plant frequencies to the ideal. This amazing leap forward for agriculture and the future of farming is the Kyminasi Crop Booster.
I Can Only Hope That This Simplifies it Somewhat
For more data on the science of the Kaminski Crop Booster, see
Bottom Line
What does this do for the stressed farmer who has to spend every waking hour nursing his nursery or farm or plantation, away from the family. Now, there is more production per acre without having to buy more land or working his fingers to the bone, and praise be, more time to spend with the family. This is what the farmer has worked so hard to get: Time with his ever faithful and hardworking wife and his sons and daughters who are his legacy. Through this miracle of science, he could live a good life and not work himself to death. And best of all, spend more time with his family.
Sincerely yours,
(Harvest Harmonics’s new writer)
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